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7-0356 Mazzei Injector #684K (Red), 3/4"HB for Hot Tubs

  • Mazzei Injector #684K.  This red injector has 3/4" hose barbs for easy installation on hot tubs and spas
0.25 LBS
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Product Description

Spas stay clean and safe with a Mazzei Injector and a Spa Ozonator.  Using a Mazzei Injector eliminates harmful ozone off-gas known to decrease the life of spa covers and pillows.

Mazzei Injector #684K Specifications:

  • Red, Kynar
  • Ozone- and weather-resistant for longer lifespan
  • 3/4" Hose Barbs for easy installation into flexible plumbing
  • Without built-in Check Valve
  • Without built-in O'ring (use Teflon tape)
  • DEL Ozone Part Number 7-0356
  • Not the most common injector used in hot tubs due to restriction, it works great on hot tubs with lower flow rates*

How does ozone get INTO the spa water?  Most spas use a Mazzei Injector which is connected to the spa equipment.  When the ozone generator is operating, ozone is automatically introduced into the water where it can kill viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, mildew, and spores plus break down oils and help remove metals and minerals.

Key Features of MAZZEI Technology:

  • Ozone Concentration – Concentration and solubility are directly proportional so that higher ozone concentrations promote the transfer of more ozone into solution.
  • Gas-to-Liquid Ratio – A lower gas to liquid ratio (Vg/Vl) allows for greater ozone mass transfer efficiency.
  • Water Pressure – Higher pressure yields increases in ozone solubility.
  • Water Temperature – Higher temperature reduces solubility, but increases the chemical reaction rate.
  • Mixing – Intense, forceful mixing allows for the rapid renewal of the gas-liquid interface, increasing the mass transfer rate and the reaction rate.
*Hot Springs Spas is an example of a spa manufacturer which uses this injector in some (not all) of their models.
If your spa has a different kind of injector, we highly recommend upgrading to Mazzei Injector.
Some spas do not have an ozone injector; ozone is injected through a jet.  Bubbles should be fine and tiny.  If they are not, your system may need fine-tuning.  

Here are signs ozone is not getting into the water properly:  

1) Ozone odor is strong when you lift the cover
2) Spa water looks, smells and feels bad
3) Ozone bubbles are too big.  Bubbles should be like champagne bubbles

RESOURCE CENTER | Download the following here:
DEL Ozone Spa Ozonator Installation and Operations Manual
How Does Ozone Get Into Hot Tub and Swimming Pool Water?  It's All About the Injector
How to Size the Right Mazzei Injector for Your Hot Tub or Spa
How to Clean a Spa Injector

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  1. Great 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 17th Jun 2021

    It did exactly what it was designed to do, and did it well.

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